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Gastric Botox

Stomach botox is a different method of treatment than many known weight loss methods. It is a less risky and successful weight loss method compared to relatively more well-known weight loss methods that have a risk of failure, risk of death or risk of different and permanent health problems. It is a method performed by giving botulinum toxin to the stomach muscles with the endoscopic method. It is a growing method to lose weight because it is a procedure where the patient can easily adapt to daily life in less time and fewer side effects after the procedure.

Stomach botox is a weight loss method applied to limit the contraction of stomach muscles by injecting botulinum toxin obtained from Clostridium Botulinum bacteria into certain parts of the stomach with endoscopic methods. Foods eaten by restricting the functions of the stomach muscles stay in the stomach longer, leading to loss of appetite. It only lasts 20 minutes and does not cause pain, nausea or any other serious side effects. There is a faster adaptation to daily life after the procedure, but this does not mean that the causes of overweight continue in the same way. After this procedure, it is necessary to change our lifestyle according to the advice of a doctor or dietician.

Stomach botox is a suitable method for almost anyone who wants to lose weight. However, in order to perform this procedure, one must also have certain criteria. One of the most important of these criteria is that the patient does not have any diseases such as ulcers or gastritis. Since gastric botox is an injection procedure into the stomach muscles, the wound that may be there can cause more serious problems. Apart from that, the following features can be taken into account for people who wish to have gastric botox:

  1. People who cannot lose weight through diet, exercise, or other methods can.
  2. Obese patients with a body mass index above 40 do not benefit.
  3. It can be comfortably applied to people who are overweight and not obese enough to undergo surgery.
  4. It is not preferable to apply to these patients because there are not enough studies to apply to pregnant women.

La chirurgie du botox de l’estomac est l’injection de toxine botulique obtenue à partir des bactéries, par voie endoscopique à environ 20 endroits dans les muscles de l’estomac, bien qu’elle varie d’une personne à l’autre. La procédure dure environ 20-25 minutes et le patient peut continuer sa vie quotidienne après avoir été sous surveillance pendant un certain temps.

People's metabolic rate and the rate of weight gain and loss may differ from each other. It is a procedure that is beneficial for people who want to get rid of their excess weight after trying methods such as diet or sports. The body mass index is less than 40, to make appetite control more comfortable in people who are 10-20 kg overweight and do not have stomach discomfort. The procedure takes effect in about 2-3 days, and a noticeable decrease in appetite is observed in the person.

Before Stomach Botox:
The most important thing to consider before gastric botox is whether to lose weight without any medical treatment. After deciding to have gastric botox, it is necessary to consult a doctor who is a specialist in the field. A pre-procedure inspection process begins. In this review process, it is determined whether the patient is suitable for the procedure. This is the stage where the whole process is planned so that you do not encounter any problems after the treatment. Blood tests are done before gastric botox and blood values ​​are checked. In this process, certain information must be shared with the doctor, such as the medications used by the patient and if there is a genetic disease in the family.

Treatment planning:
After the pre-botox examination, treatment planning is done for the procedure and after the procedure. This treatment planning varies from person to person depending on many characteristics of the patient. Some details are provided such as what the patient needs to do to benefit from the procedure, when the procedure will be performed and what the patient should pay attention to after the procedure.

Sharing medications used with the doctor:
One of the most important things to do before treatment is to share the medications used with the doctor. Since gastric botox procedure is not applied to every person, skipping this information can lead to serious complications after the procedure. Medications used by the patient or certain allergic conditions can adversely affect both treatment failure and the health of the patient during and after treatment.

Patient medical history:
The stomach botox will be applied to the patient's genetics or disease caused by a different reason should be shared with the doctor. It can be dangerous to apply it directly to patients with diseases, especially gastritis or ulcers. Diseases that may interfere with the implementation of this or similar treatment should be treated first. If the doctor approves after the treatment, the gastric botox process can be started.

Examinations are one of the most important things to do, because it is possible that certain diseases that can prevent the execution of the procedure are not even known to the patient. Before starting treatment, it should be checked whether there are twelve intestines, gastritis, ulcers and botox allergies that can prevent botox in the stomach. Pregnancy test or blood values ​​should also be checked if the patient is pregnant. If such situations exist, the implementation plan is either canceled or postponed.

Before surgery:
Once the patient has been found to be suitable for a gastric botox procedure, the patient should be instructed on what to do before and during the operation. The stomach must be empty so that the patient does not vomit before the injection into the stomach muscles. If the patient has a habit of drinking and smoking, it is recommended not to drink alcohol and smoke about 1 week before the day of the procedure.

Cessation of food and drink:
The stomach muscles contract and relax during the digestion of nutrients in the stomach, so the food is broken down with the help of enzymes and exits the stomach. The presence of any food in the stomach that will act on the stomach muscles may cause the patient to vomit during the endoscopy or fail the procedure. In order not to encounter these conditions, the patient must stop eating and drinking 1 day before the day of the procedure.

Alcohol and smoking:
Alcohol and smoking are directly caused by the stomach muscles. After smoking, even if the stomach is empty, the body may think that the food has entered the stomach and may contract the stomach muscles, which may cause the procedure to fail or create a side effect. different in the patient. The consumption of alcohol or cigarettes should be stopped approximately 1 to 2 days before the day of the procedure.

Preparations for hospitalization:
The gastric botox procedure is not a procedure that requires hospitalization, as it takes very little time and the patient does not feel any pain or nausea after the procedure. However, for the general health of the patient, the patient is kept under observation for 1-2 hours after the procedure. If, after the treatment, a situation that can deteriorate the general health of the patient is neglected, the patient may be hospitalized. Considering this possibility, patients can also prepare for hospitalization before surgery.

The movement indirectly works all the muscles, as well as the muscles of the stomach. Contraction of stomach muscles before surgery is not desirable for gastric botox procedure. For this reason, the patient should decrease their mobility as much as possible before the operation.

After Stomach Botox:
As with any health care procedure, there are a number of conditions in gastric botox that the patient should pay attention to after the procedure. These conditions are determined at the stage of preoperative treatment planning.

Operation day:
Generally, no serious condition is observed in the patients after the operation on the day of the surgery, however, the patient is kept under observation for 1-2 hours as a precaution. After this monitoring process, the patient is briefed by the doctor on general health, eating and drinking habits, daily activities, and what not to do for the procedure to be successful.

Duration of the operation:
One of the most important factors in making it a popular weight loss method for those who want to get rid of excess weight is that the duration of the surgery is quite short. The surgery is usually completed in 20 minutes. The whole procedure takes about 2 hours with 1-2 hours of observation to determine if any health issues arise after the operation.

Another reason gastric botox is an increasingly popular method for weight loss is that after the procedure there is usually no pain or vomiting problem. In case of pain or similar complications, these complications are usually easy to rule out.

One of the most important factors causing overweight is the eating habits of patients. In addition to dietary habits, alcohol and smoking, disease factor or different lifestyle are also effective. A successful procedure does not mean that the reasons for excess weight can continue in the same way. Even if the procedure is successful, the nutritional status must be kept under control in order to maintain the results. A diet should be determined by the dietitian after considering certain criteria such as the health and lifestyle of the patient after the operation. It is very important to stay in contact with the dietitian after the operation and to apply the recommendations, both in terms of the success of the intervention and to improve the general health of the patient.

Since the gastric botox procedure is a procedure that restricts the movement of the gastric muscles, the food waits longer in the stomach, which creates a feeling of fullness in the person. Considering this, fatty, sugary foods and drinks, fast foods and acidic drinks that the stomach cannot easily digest should be avoided. Because long periods of food in the stomach can cause different diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. Eating plant-based foods both helps the stomach digest more comfortably and helps you lose weight more comfortably.

Gastric botox is not a procedure that restricts the patient's mobility too much because it is not invasive enough to affect daily life. The patient should be careful not to make sudden movements for 1-2 hours of observation only. After the operation, patients can easily adapt to their daily life in a very short time.

Risks, side effects and complications:
Since gastric botox surgery is quite an easy and short-term operation, no serious risks after the surgery have ever been encountered before. Since the effects of the drugs used for surgery completely leave the body within 4 to 6 months, there is no risk of causing a permanent problem.

A suitable and personalized diet program is essential after the operation. Otherwise, because stomach muscle movement is restricted, heavy food and drink consumption can lead to failed surgery and weight gain, as well as more serious health problems. Although conditions such as pain, nausea, and medication side effects are unlikely to occur after surgery. If observed, it is absolutely necessary to consult a health institution or your own doctor.

One of the side effects that may occur is nausea although the postoperative probability is low. Nausea may occur as a side effect of the anesthetic medicine used or food in the patient's stomach, which must be empty before surgery. This is a side effect that does not have serious consequences and can be easily eliminated.

Stomach damage:
If the patient who will undergo gastric botox meets the necessary criteria and does what needs to be done before and after the surgery, there is no such thing as stomach damage. One of the most important factors that cause the possibility of stomach damage is to apply to patients with diseases such as gastritis or ulcers. However, this condition is determined by the doctor before the operation and after the treatment the operation takes place. Apart from this, stomach muscles with restricted movement are very fatty and sugary foods and drinks. Serious harm can occur if foods such as fast food such as fast food and acidic drinks are taken. Nutrition plays a very important role in preventing stomach damage after surgery.

Side effects of the drugs used:
Many drugs, especially anesthesia drugs, have no side effects during gastric botox. However, patients may experience certain side effects due to an allergic condition or a different disease. These side effects are usually not very serious. The drug that creates the most side effects is the anesthetic drugs used during surgery. The side effects of the drugs used are usually manifested by pain, nausea or a slight fever. It is not possible to establish a permanent condition because the drugs leave the body completely between 4 and 6 months after using the drugs.

Spread of Botox in the body:
The most accepted number of botox injections in the stomach is between 20 and 24. This is an accepted standard for safer implementation. The injections are made in a certain area of ​​the stomach. Exiting the stomach and regions such as the fundus where the hunger hormone is secreted both prevents excessive drug consumption in a small area and the effect of botox can spread throughout the stomach. Botox does not spread outside the area where it is applied in the stomach.

Things to pay attention to:
After gastric botox, the patient must pay attention to certain points both for the procedure to work and for the general health of the patient to be impaired. After carrying on with their daily activities after gastric botox operations performed all over the world, no major complications were observed except for problems such as pain, nausea and indigestion. Some issues that the patient should pay attention to both in his general life and in his private life after the procedure can be listed as follows:

  1. Physical activity.
  2. Sexual activity.
  3. Sports.
  4. Nutrition.
  5. Alcohol and tobacco.

Physical activity:
One of the most important issues that cause weight problems of the patient is that he remains very calm in business or in daily life. After the procedure, it shows the effect of gastric botox in about 2-3 days. One of the things the patient needs to pay attention to for this effect to work is physical activities. Daily physical activities that can be done to lose weight more easily and can be determined by getting help from a medical specialist.

Although the effect of botox on the stomach manifests itself within 2-3 days, its approximate effect lasts 6 months. Gastric botox alone does not cause the patient to lose weight. In order to get used to the feeling of hunger and lose weight over a period of 6 months, it is also necessary to play sports in this process. This is one of the most important conditions for the effect of gastric botox to be permanent.

Nutritional habits affect many different hit points with weight. Since gastric botox alone is not a procedure that causes the patient to lose weight, it is imperative to create a diet program with a specialized dietician. If the patient stops dieting after the procedure, it could have a very big effect on weight gain and cause more serious health issues as opposed to weight loss. After gastric botox, the diet should be determined primarily with herbal foods and liquids.

Sweet foods should not be eaten as they will reduce the effect of gastric botox. Changing eating habits, which has a strong effect on overweight, is an important factor in making weight control permanent even after the effect of botox has disappeared.

Alcohol and smoking:
Alcohol and cigarettes, which have a significant effect on overweight. Quitting smoking by going to hospital smoking cessation units after surgery is an important factor both in terms of general health and for the operation to be more effective. Although the function of the stomach muscles is limited, some of the smoke goes to the lungs and some to the stomach, and the stomach muscles contract. This reduces the effect of botox. Likewise, drinking alcohol prevents the metabolism from working efficiently. Since the body prioritizes the breakdown of calories from alcohol, calories from other nutrients are not properly broken down and stored as fat in the body. This makes it difficult to lose weight after surgery.

Healing process and nutrition:
Although gastric botox is a short and easy procedure, it is kept under observation for 1-2 hours as a precaution. In general, it can count this process as the healing process of gastric botox surgery. Since there is no very long recovery period, the patient can immediately return to daily life and eat after about 2 hours after the operation. The diet program, which will be done on which meals, how many meals, can be started immediately.

Medical exams:
One of the most important points after gastric botox surgery is regular medical check-ups. Stomach botox shows its effect in 2-3 days and lasts about 6 months. Regular check-ups by the doctor and the dietician, during and after this period, guarantee the success of the operation and make it easier for the person to get used to the weight loss process. Although this is a very small possibility, medical examinations are important for the early diagnosis of a serious health problem that may arise after surgery.